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New Baby Jawahir

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Jawahir (August 15, 2009) When and before you were born I was having a big plan for you Jawahir, The Last thing to see and the last thing to imagine is to see you like that. Full Option was my dream. Is to take you to school from Zero grade till Harvard business school to take you to sports centers and play tennis with you, to swim with you and play along that ranch around our neighbourhood. But things went the other wayRound.

I am sorry Jawahir things end up this way, but it is God well I am accepting it, please God give her & I the strength to bear the long distance that she will be walking alone without me. Other things the world is full of kind hearted people who are always looking to add that smiles for those who need them, I knew that by heart & I know them. I will Approach them Jawahir. They Well Help Y JAwahir; I am sure. I will request God every single minute, every single second & every single moment of my life to heal you & make it up to You and I will come bact again to this article on my site to confirm that and to praize God and send my gratitude To those who will be making it up to you honey.

She need helps; I am requesting experts, Doctors, donors, Humanitarians Agencies, those who have kind and givety hearts to retain the smile to my family and let Jawhir walks by the time she will be introduced to walkism.

It is a message for all those who have the ability, the scientist, medical bioneers who are able to treat Jawahir’s case to contribute to my child health and return her to me walking, running; able to play tennis and swim and finally will be able to join Harvard Business School happily
جواهر ابنتى تدعو الله عز وجل هنا ليشفيها ويوفق والدها لذلك وايضا تحاول ان تكتب اعلاه ,جواهر تقترب من السنة والنصف ولان لم افى بوعدى لاجعلها تمشى على رجليها وهى على مقام المشى تبقت دقائق شهور قلائل اقل من ستة شهور من يستطيع ان يقدم ذلك الميل الاضافى او (المال الاضافى ليجعلها تمشى على الاثنيت تحتاج لاكثر من خمسمائة الف دولار عملية ومتابعة بمستشفى الاطفال ببوسطن-ماسيشيوتس-امريكا-المكان الوحيد بالعالم الذى لديه الاكتشاف بزرع الاعضاء تحت مسئولية المريض-تجربة-ولكن الكثير مشى ونجحت العملية.
ولدت جواهر برجلها اليمين قصيرة وكفتها ملوية
هل هناك من يساعدنى على الوفاء بالوعد
الاشارة الى المقال الذى كتبته يوم ولادتها بالخامس عشر من اغسطس 2009
من يستطيع ان يقدم ذلك الميل الاضافى

او (المال الاضافى)

ليجعلها تمشى على رجليها تحتاج للكثير من المال

لاجراء العملية ومن ثم المتابعة (لمدة سنة) بمستشفى الاطفال ببوسطن-ماسيتيوتس-امريكا- الذى لديه الاكتشاف بزرع الانسجة والاعضاء تحت مسئولية المريض-تجربة-ولكن الكثير مشى-
ونجحت عمليات كثيرة ولكنها مكلفة

واذا كان هناك مكان اخر

  • فاخبرونا وساعدونا فلقد مرت ثلاثة عشر عاما منذ ذلك الزمان وعندما كتب هذا المنشور وطلبت المساعدة ولربما حدث جديد وقلوب رحيمة قد تسمع وتساعد بنتي جواهر وهي الان بالصف السادس الابتدائي وناجحة ومن الاوائل بمدرستها

ولكن الرجل الخشبية التي تساعدها علي المشي تتعبها وتسبب لها الالام


Thank you

Your Father Ahmed EL-Mutasim

وما كان المستحيل يعلو رب العالمين نحمد الله حمدا كثير على عودة سيدى الامير سلطان الخير والعطاء الكثير-ادام الله عليكم لباس الصحة العافية

وقال عنه امام وخطيب الحرم المكى الشريف سيدى عبد الرحمن السديس:

سلطان الخير “جابر عثرات الكرام وكفه كف المواساة الحانية التي تربت على سواعد المتعبين في كل الأماكن فالمتأمل لمنظومة الشيم والشمائل التي تتسم بها شخصية سموه يدرك أسباب المكان والمكانة التي له في نفوس الناس فخصال سموه خصال فطرة سوية، وشمائله شمائل أصالة نقية ويذكر اسمه فتستحضر الأذهان مكارم الأخلاق وصدق المروءة ورقي الشيم ومنجزاته في خدمة الإسلام والمسلمين منظومة كبيرة ومنها مؤسسة الأمير سلطان الخيرية التي تطوق الوطن بخدماتها الإنسانية والعلمية- عبد الرحمن السديس -امام وخطيب المسجد الحرام

وما كان المستحيل يعلو رب العالمين نحمد الله حمدا كثير على عودة سيدى الامير سلطان الخير والعطاء الكثير-ادام الله عليكم لباس الصحة العافية

بقلم احمد المعتصم محمد احمد

وما كان المستحيل
يعلو رب العالمين
والقلب يعلوه الرجاء
وبالقلب نسكب ونبتهل
بكل اركان الدعاء
وبكل انواع الرجاء
وكان الابتهال
وعود مستطاب
للشيخ الودود
والقلب الرؤوف
والخير الذى عم الوجود
عودة سلطان العطاء
وعودة سلطان الودود
عودة سلطان الحبيب
عودة سلطان الطبيب
سيدى الذى هزم الفقر
وبنى لنا وفتح كثر من بيوت
تذكرك الرياض والنفود
ونجد والربوع
ومكة وصلالة
وطيبة والجموع
وربوع جدة لها لك
شوق جزوع
ابناءها وبناتها وشيوخها
عوائلها من ال زينل ووال بن زقر
وال جمجوم وبن نضيف وال جميل
كلهم لك فى الهوى وبالهوى حب اصيل
جبرت كسور بعودتك سيدى الامير
وطارت طيور العز تمتزج والزهور
وغنت معى جدة لك لحن الخلود
والمودة والمحبة ولك يا سيدى
دعت كل الوفود بعودة حميد
وعدت والعود حميد من رب مجيد

فى غيبتك……
كان لى عهد فيه الكابة
ترتدى منى الشفاة
وتحتوينى افكار المساء
المظلمة المستبدة
وكان القلب ينشد ظامئا
لك بالشفاء وعودة مستتبة
وشفاءا كافيا معافيا
يملوك صحة
ايها القلب الطيوب
والحس الاليف
انا لى من هواك مدة
فارؤى ظمئى من رؤاك
واخمد النيران فى القلوب
المستئبة والتى من اثر
الفراق قد تمزق
من حشاها كل قطعة

والله انى احمد الله بست

1-انك شفيت وفى الرياض لك سيدى الكبير
والاميرنائف من الافراح لك ما اشادوا وما اعد
2-وان سيدى الامير سلمان قد اوفى وادى
3-وانى رائتك قبل ان يخبو نور عينى
من فراق قد الم وقد ازف
4-وانى رأئتك وقد رجعت كما ولفتك وعرفت
5-وان كل الخير عندك قد عاد واسترد
6-وان لى عندك حاجة قد قضيتها- جواهر بنتى
رايتها تشفى من يديك الخيرة
والى الركاد تعدو وتستأب

احمدك يارب حمدا كثير
انك شفيت سيدى الامير
سلامات يا بو خالد سلامات
يارب لك الحمد كما يليق بجلال
وجهك الكريم ولك الحمد
حتى ترضى ولك الحمد
اذا رضيت ولك الحمد
بعد الرضا ارضيتنا
واكرمتنا وجبرت كسرنا
واجبت دعوانا وشفيت اميرنا
وولى عهدنا وحبيبنا والغالى
اللى فى الغلى له لون وطعم.
احمدك يارب حمدا كثير
انك شفيت سيدى الامير
احمدك يارب بكل اللغات
وبعدد العباد وملء الشفاة
انك منحت سيدى الشفات
احمدك يارب حمدا بعدد
الرمال وطول الجبال
احمدك يارب حمدا جميل
وبقدر كبير

احمدك يارب لانك كريم
وبعبدك رحيم وبينا رؤوف رحيم
ياربى يارب البرية
والكون والسرية
تم المنى
بعمرة وحضرة بمنى وعرفة وفوج
وياتى البعيد ويحج بالحجيج
وبصحة حديد

وقوة وبلح سبيط.
امين يارب البرية
انك تجاوب
وتبلغنا الامنية
بوخالد سيد الامير سلطان
يابدر التمام فينك
المنى وحز فى نفسى
والله وبغلى عينك
بعدك الى طلى طوله
وايام تنقصها تلاوينك
عساك بخير هى ايامك
وفى يومين يهل مقدامك
وتجينا الرياض ونجد وركاد
وبارض العليا تطيب العلوم
وبجدة وبكة يحلو القدوم

نقولها والله
ترى بعدك لا يطاق
ولاهى حلوة الدنيا من دونك
وبقدر ما نرسم ترى ينقصنا تلوينك
وبقدر ما نضحك ترى ينقصنا نسمة من كونك
وبقدر ما نفرح ترى ينقصنا معلومك
وبقدر ما نكبر ترى ينقصنا مضمونك
وبقدر ما نفتى ترى ينقصنا قانونك
وبقدر ما نبكى نلاقى اسباب البكى هى
بعدك الغالى ياغالى مكنونك
ترى يابوخالد الخطوب علامها قاسى
وما كنت ادرى بها القسى
تشتد وتحتر ايامى
والله وكل القسى بينك
وينك يانور الهدى وينك
والله وجيت واحمد الله انك جيت
سلام وطهور
وربى يزود وربى يزيح محزونك
ويضوى مضمونك
الهبتنى يا سيد الاحساس
والله وهلا والله بسيد الاحساس
وسيد الناس وبريق الماس

These are not small changes. These are big changes. They’re fundamental reforms. They will save money. They will save lives.

The Dream-His Inspirations That Leads His Aspiration

The Dream-His Inspirations That Leads His Aspiration

Humble as never to believe; I have received the following Emails from Barack Obama himsself, I am not going to comment, I will leave the judgement to you, same as it was being left to Nobel Prize committee. Wow Mr. The president The words could not come to my mouth, I am thrilled from such great & wonderful humanbeing attitude towards others that share with him The same Big Dream, (Peace everywhare, anywhere, along there and after there)

Where we stand

From: President Barack Obama (info@barackobama.com)
Sent: Monday, December 21, 2009 10:28:16 PM
To: Ahmed El-mutasim Mohammed Ahmed (ahmedmutasim@hotmail.com)

Ahmed El-mutasim —

Early this morning, the Senate made history and health reform cleared its most important hurdle yet — garnering the 60 votes needed to move toward a final vote in that chamber later this week.

This marks the first time in our nation’s history that comprehensive health reform has come to this point. And it appears that the American people will soon realize the genuine reform that offers security to those who have health insurance and affordable options to those who do not.

I’m grateful to Senator Harry Reid and every senator who’s been working around the clock to make this happen. And I’m grateful to you, and every member of the Organizing for America community, for all the work you have done to make this progress possible.

After a nearly century-long struggle, we are now on the cusp of making health insurance reform a reality in the United States of America.

As with any legislation, compromise is part of the process. But I’m pleased that recently added provisions have made this landmark bill even stronger. Between the time when the bill passes and the time when the insurance exchanges get up and running, insurance companies that try to jack up their rates do so at their own peril. Those who hike their prices may be barred from selling plans on the exchanges.

And while insurance companies will be prevented from denying coverage on the basis of pre-existing conditions once the exchanges are open, in the meantime there will be a high-risk pool where people with pre-existing conditions can purchase affordable coverage.

A recent amendment has made these protections even stronger. Insurance companies will now be prohibited from denying coverage to children immediately after this bill passes. There’s also explicit language in this bill that will protect a patient’s choice of doctor. And small businesses will get additional assistance as well.

These protections are in addition to the ones we’ve been talking about for some time. No longer will insurance companies be able to drop your coverage if you become sick and no longer will you have to pay unlimited amounts out of your own pocket for treatments that you need.

Under this bill families will save on their premiums; businesses that would see their costs rise if we don’t act will save money now and in the future. This bill will strengthen Medicare and extend the life of the program. Because it’s paid for and gets rid of waste and inefficiency in our health care system, this will be the largest deficit reduction plan in over a decade.

Finally, this reform will extend coverage to more than 30 million Americans who don’t have it.

These are not small changes. These are big changes. They’re fundamental reforms. They will save money. They will save lives.

And your passion, your work, your organizing helped make all of this possible. Now it’s time to finish the job.

Thank you,

President Barack Obama

A call to action

From: President Barack Obama (info@barackobama.com)
Sent: Friday, October 09, 2009 9:03:41 PM
To: Ahmed El-mutasim Mohammed Ahmed (ahmedmutasim@hotmail.com)

Dear Ahmed El-Mutasim


This morning, Michelle and I awoke to some surprising and humbling news. At 6 a.m., we received word that I’d been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for 2009.

To be honest, I do not feel that I deserve to be in the company of so many of the transformative figures who’ve been honored by this prize — men and women who’ve inspired me and inspired the entire world through their courageous pursuit of peace.

But I also know that throughout history the Nobel Peace Prize has not just been used to honor specific achievement; it’s also been used as a means to give momentum to a set of causes.

That is why I’ve said that I will accept this award as a call to action, a call for all nations and all peoples to confront the common challenges of the 21st century. These challenges won’t all be met during my presidency, or even my lifetime. But I know these challenges can be met so long as it’s recognized that they will not be met by one person or one nation alone.

This award — and the call to action that comes with it — does not belong simply to me or my administration; it belongs to all people around the world who have fought for justice and for peace. And most of all, it belongs to you, the men and women of America, who have dared to hope and have worked so hard to make our world a little better.

So today we humbly recommit to the important work that we’ve begun together. I’m grateful that you’ve stood with me thus far, and I’m honored to continue our vital work in the years to come.

Thank you,

President Barack Obama

It is History dressing its Elegant Dress; Congratulation Mr. The President Barack Obama for great Honor, Y deserve it. As being said on the media in several Article Nobel Prize’s Observer were shocked by the sudden decision of the Nobel Prize Committee to award the 44th President of the USA Mr. Barack Obama Nobel Peace Prize allowing him to becomes the third President of USA to get such great and prestigious Prize.(President Theodore Roosevelt won in 1906 and President Woodrow Wilson was awarded the prize in 1919)

A beauty, Chram, Galmourious when it comes with this magnitude, definetly Mr. the President, blessing & Prosperity will be around & accompanying You. Thank Y Mrs Obama to allow him to make it for America and the Whole World

A beauty, Chram, Galmourious when it comes with this magnitude, definetly Mr. the President, blessing & Prosperity will be around & accompanying You. Thank Y Mrs Obama to allow him to make it for America and the Whole World

History will be proud to contain Obama’s Name in its Records even the whole world is happy for this great man of his kind. Behind that kind heart, stream of a very warm passion, slow, calm passionatelove of michelle that allowed him to conquer the impossible & make it for us. Thank Y Michelle Obama for this wonderful Gift to the world

Icanhardly breath with such Elegancy & Glamour

Icanhardly breath with such Elegancy & Glamour

Although Nobel Prized Observers were shocked I was not and I had written an article on my blog http://www.bluedean.wordpress.com and even tweeted in twitter that Mr. the President will soon be nominated and selected for Nobel Peace Prize, published on August 30, 2009 at my blog (BlueDean) http://wp.me/pyhWA-4Q

My approach to the concept of the award is the same as the approach of the Nobel Prize Committee, in addition to other factors why should Mr. the President Barack Obama be selected for such great prestigious Prize?

Mainly The stunning & amazing decision designed to encourage Barack Obama initiatives to reduce nuclear arms; ease tensions with the Muslim world & stress emphasize diplomacy and cooperation rather than unilateralism.

It is History dressing its Elegant Dress

That were enough for the whole world to accept the selection but there others issues as I told Y above that will push with this great man to get such great Nomination & Award:

Barack in the middle east

This man will be having the destiny to change and shape the new world & the new vision for peace and international relation between nations around the Globe. His diplomacy above questions and dearest to all Humankind;

Other factors why should Mr. the President Barack Obama be selected for such great prestigious Prize?

Communicatons that leads to Historical Award & Nominations
1-He addresses our humanity before and after

2-He respects us for who we are before and after

3-He loves the peace because he believes in the fact that a peacefull mind is only productive mind that will add to growth and prosperity

4-He believe in innovation and technology

5-He embrace brotherhood before grown enemies

6-He prefers to shake hand than to close doors

7-He has a beautiful piece of mind and powerful sources of love and creative talents capable of spreading peace & love everywhere he intended to go

Always there with glowing smile

Always there with glowing smile

8-He embraces the most important issue that we really need “change” with magnitude that suit our necessity and legitimate requirements

9-He inspire you using your own wisdom, ً while you grow & with your thought along your own horizon

10-He has ability to make you happy and satisfied, even before his plan start. He has being given the blessing and a healing word and nature.

They like to share & spread joy & Happiness through their humble-being there to share others

They like to share & spread joy & Happiness through their humble-being there to share others

11-He is the American Legend, Sure he will get USA-2012 election for another 4 year, meet me there if I am still alive otherwise pray for my soul.

12-Change that reflecting in huge campaigns to reform the USA Health Insurance System & USA Financial system and initiative to promote climate change Project. All this reforms need a very bold character that believes in the benefit of Reforms and its long term impact and he is ready to sacrifice with his political career.

13-Many others issue that will soon come to surface that will remind you of I am telling now about this great man

Barack Obama before he is a president to the United State of America; he is the hope for many people in the world. He promised African & many people in the Developing Countries to make the peace & Development their favorite dress through partnership and safe & easy Finance & grants from the IFIs & Multi-Donors Financial institutions.

He is working on that. He does not forget his promises while election, rather it become a very solid agenda. The 20 billion pledges for developing Countries at Italy Summit is a witness for such obligation. He is very respectable man that respects his word & accepts people for who they are & what their ethnic Group is. He is Humble, simple & Professional. God Bless you Barack Obama.

White House press secretary Robert Gibbs said Obama woke up to the news a little before 6 a.m. EDT. The White House had no immediate comment on the announcement, which took the administration by surprise

He gathered professional around him & push USa out of the Crisis

He gathered professional around him & push USa out of the Crisis

The Nobel Committee decided not to inform Obama before the announcement because it didn’t want to wake him up, committee chairman Thorbjoern Jagland said.

“Waking up a president in the middle of the night, this isn’t really something you do,” Jagland said.

The Nobel Committee continued the change in global mood wrought by Obama’s calls for peace and cooperation but recognized initiatives that have yet to bear fruit: reducing the world stock of nuclear arms, easing American conflicts with Muslim nations and strengthening the U.S. role in combating climate change.

“it is extremely very scarce a person to the same extent as Obama captured the world’s attention and given its people hope for a better future,” Jagland said.

Obama’s election and foreign policy moves caused a dramatic improvement in the image of the U.S. around the world. A 25-nation poll of 27,000 people released in July by the Pew Global Attitudes Project found double-digit boosts to the percentage of people viewing the U.S. favorably in countries around the world.

The same indicator had extremely plunged across the world during President George W. Bush era

God; I like Y Mr. The president Barack Obama

God; I like Y Mr. The president Barack Obama

A 1983 Nobel Peace laureate, Former Polish President Lech Walesa said “So soon? How come? Too early! He has no contribution so far. He is still at an early stage. He is only beginning to act. This is probably an encouragement for him to act. Let’s see if he perseveres. Let’s give him time to act.

Well thank Y Mr. Walesa to point out the difference and the reason why he was picked. His krizma were there before him……. Ahmed Mutasim

Oh My God it is very hard and strong slap on bush’s face; The award appeared to be a slap at Bush from a committee that harshly criticized Obama’s predecessor for his largely unilateral military action in the wake of the Sept. 11 terror attacks. The Nobel committee praised Obama’s creation of “a new climate in international politics” and said he had returned multilateral diplomacy and institutions like the U.N. to the center of the world stage.

“You have to remember that the world has been in a pretty dangerous phase,” Jagland said. “And anybody who can contribute to getting the world out of this situation deserves a Nobel Peace Prize.”

Unlike the other Nobel Prizes, which are awarded by Swedish institutions, the peace prize is given out by a five-member committee elected by the Norwegian Parliament. Like the Parliament, the committee has a leftist slant, with three members elected by left-of-center parties. Jagland said the decision to honor Obama was unanimous.

Archbishop Desmond Tutu of South Africa, who won the prize in 1984, said Obama’s award shows great things are expected from him in coming years. “It is an award that speaks to the promise of President Obama’s message of hope,” Tutu said.

Thinks What Mr. the President? Your roles has just being doubled, every single person in this universe is waiting for you to light & penlight his path, Africa & South America, Developing Countries & Me with special focus to resolve and comprehend the peace resolution and directed to ease.

To assist to lift the embargo on those countries that lives under very tough conditions in Africa. To put Humanity on the top priority and compromise. You are Guru in that part Yr Excellency. Pls make it for us peace in its best White dressing, White, crystal & unforgettable as ever pls Mrs. the President. Let it to be your first Gift to… us as Nobel Peace Laureate.

New Baby Jawahir

For Jawahir

For Jawahir

I Like you so much Jawahir and I will promise to make it straight, I will take the push and the will from the God and make it up to you sweeti. it is the promise of Your dady, may God help him

We are Not Americans Mr. The President; Barack Obama, but Jawahir & I are supporting the Health Insurance Reform, So pls Americans Do it

G-20 photo

Speak Out: Thank you for writing a letter‏

From: My.BarackObama.com (info@barackobama.com)
Sent: Saturday, October 03, 2009 3:20:16 AM
To: ahmedmutasim@hotmail.com

Thank you for writing a letter to the editor.

By speaking up, you’ll help shape pubic opinion in your community and ensure that health insurance reform becomes a reality in 2009.
If your story gets published, we’d love to hear about it. Please let us know here: http://my.barackobama.com/ltereport


Mitch Stewart
Director Organizing for America

From Ahmed El-mutasim Mohammed Ahmed
To The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Macon Telegraph, Marietta Daily Journal, Fulton County Daily Report, USA Today, The Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Financial Times
Subject Jawahir Story

Message This is a true story that is happening to me and my Family.

I am not an American, but I lived there for a while where I get a decent life for short Period, ever after I left to Home & the Gulf Area, where I reside Now.

Me & Jawahir ara supporting Health Reform, BO

I like Mr. the President Barack Obama, I breath his inspiration & Aspiration, his hard and smart work is window for my pain to get relieved and I really value what he is trying to do for better America.

I am very educated, self dependent person that built my self through a very strong intuition to create a better opportunity for me and my kids and contribute to the growth of the world.

Barack Obama when he stepped to the White House, the USA economy was in a big miss, a financial crisis was sucking the blood of the USA economy. I was following that from remote, some time I do contribute with my opinion and they consider it though, Many time I wrote To bin Bernanke and he listened to me through his secretary and value my opinion.

Also Climate Change issue is in its peak, whether disaster are spreading.

OB/He worked hard withy his team to allow America avoid that, he is coming with reforms in the financial market and health as in this subject. But those who like the pacon to continue and having a welfare to have the same old system to last in order to maintain their benefit would definitely oppose the reforms, but American are smart, clever and understand what behind the cover, but some time it is hard to fight the tide as in my case. But hay you are in USA the land of freedom and Y can make it.

So let us come back to my storey, I used to live in one of the gulf country and working in a very prestigious Group in a prestigious job and in a very strong influential industry.

I was having full insurance benefit (Class A), From Boba Middle East and I used to get my health treatment together with my family (two kids and a wife) in a very prestigious and famous hospital over there. Everything was smooth and beautiful, but for whom life maintain its grants & lasted? Everything suddenly collapsed in a moment even without warning and I had to leave my job and lost my insurance and left the Gulf too.

I am living in Africa right now trying to help my self and those around me, you may find a little bit about my activities in my blog httpp://www.bluedean.wordpress.com

But it is hard to start from scratch and with out initial investment / Lump sum amount of money. But I am trying. Among all these very cloudy situation God gifted me with my daughter Jawahir, 2 month old but with a short leg as in the attached photo

http://bit.ly/Jawahir and

Doctor said it has to be treated in USA and very soon, but I lost my insurance by the time I lost my job and left the gulf. It is hard to get insurance capable of treating Jawahir in where I live right now.

The point is for guys like me if they were living in America what would happen to them if there is no insurance system that will help & protect them, their kids & the loved one when they get sick & afflicted.

Barack Obama is helping you guys and he is making a history in here by putting & rectifying the deficiency that being maintained for long time. The denial of the right 7 the opportunity to be healthy for those who really needed and deserve it.

This man is a hero and you Americans should support & value him, how come you not while he is fighting for you & your right, right now?

I am afraid if you fail to extend an arm to him, you will never be able to have what he s trying to offer you. A health system for you and for your family and loved one that will let You avoid my case and not to run all night looking at your daughter’s legs absorbing the pain that you are not able to do anything to help her.

Believe me this man is great and would not be repeated with same passion, consistency & sustainable inspiration.

His inspiration was enough to heal my pain. I look to the world with a better angle when I remember his word in his Cairo’s Letter. He is healing the whole world pain

God bless you Barack obama and give you a victory not in the health reform only but in the Financial Reforms as well.

Thank You

Ahmed El-Mutasim

Mr. the President of U.S.A Barack Obama will soon be nominated for Noble Prize As people around the World keep keep embracing his style-That what I am expecting

Yukio Hatoyama

Mr. the President of U.S.A Barack Obama will soon be nominated for Noble Prize As people around the World keep keep embracing his style-That what I am expecting

Mr. the President of U.S.A Barack Obama will soon be nominated for Noble Prize As people around the World keep embracing his style; New proposed Japanese Minister is embracing Barack Obama’s Style. The Dynamic Change.

Do you think that is the main reason/driver who allow Yukio Hatoyama to get the opportunity of his life? i.e. to run the World’s second largest economy. This will be answered very soon. But one thing I am sure about Obama’s style is very beneficial and it is a legitimate for Nowadays policy, Economy reforms you name it.

What will the impact of the ebisode on the International Economy? Please allow me to spot the light on few.

Japan New Prime Minister

Washington, the White House issued a statement Sunday saying that U.S. President Barack Obama looks forward to “working closely” with the new Japanese prime minister.

“We are confident that the strong U.S.-Japan Alliance and the close partnership between our two countries will continue to flourish under the leadership of the next government in Tokyo,” the White House statement said.

With Japanese Prime Minister Taro Aso announced his resignation as head of the party that has governed Japan for decades following its apparent landslide defeat in elections Sunday.

As Japan’s voters, fed up with the party that has governed the country for decades, gave the opposition an enormous landslide victory in parliamentary elections Sunday, exit polls suggest.

It is expected that Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ) may have won a 3-to-1 victory over the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP).

“I hope this victory will be for the people” Said Yukio Hatoyama DPJ leader & Japan’s next prime minister in a public comment
Hatoyama, who has embracing the Obama-style message of change, was mobbed at street rallies by supporters during the campaign – the kind of support the opposition has never seen before.

He pledged to raise the minimum wage and discourage hiring through agencies or on temporary contracts.

That message is gaining traction in a country that is witnessing historic highs in unemployment and experiencing ramifications like homelessness for the first time.

Japan Folks want change and wanted to give new leaders a chance, even if they were not sure what policies would replace the ones that have run the world’s second-largest economy for more than a generation.

Lines at polling places spilled out into Tokyo streets Sunday as Japanese citizens showed up in what seemed to be record levels.
Japanese are frustrated with the lack of an economic policy as Japan emerges from its worst recession since World? Is that true. What will the other people will say if the second largest economy folks say like that.

I think Yukio Hatoyama is right when he chooses to embrace Obama’ style- the change, but this time should start near the roots and goes up. That only 401 exit

When Well-done is Absolutely Well-done, we raise our Hat-off for you Your Excellencies

The Gathering

The world economy is passing through a very critical stage of his age, with the financial market hardly breathing and climate change Tolerances impact are not within the limits and all other factors that affect strong, sustainable & balanced growth are just seeing a little bit of improvement, while all these taking place and increasing the pain on us, I have notice, nobel people meeting together to mitigate the impact on us, please come a long with me to see how they do it.

When Well-done is Absolutely Well-done, we raise our Hat-off for you Your Excellencies

Statement by Secretary Timothy F. Geithner at the International Monetary and Financial Committee (IMFC) Meeting:

Geithner Photo

On behalf of the United States and our delegation, I’d like to thank Turkey and the people of Istanbul for hosting this year’s Annual Meetings.

We meet as the global economy makes a critical transition away from crisis and toward recovery. Less than one year ago, with the global economy facing serious and unprecedented challenges, countries put in place significant and extraordinary measures to stabilize financial markets and support the global economy.

Statement by Secretary Timothy@ IMFC

The United States has been a leader throughout this period, with the Administration:

i-Enacting a sizeable stimulus plan;

ii-Restoring confidence in the financial system and

iii-Flowing of credit to consumers and households through the Financial Stability Plan; and

iv-Helping marshal resources for emerging markets and developing countries through President Obama’s call for large scale resources to backstop the global financial system.

v-Conditions have improved considerably.

vi-Stresses in financial markets have declined

vii-Confidence has improved,

viii-International trade is recovering, and

iX-Economic growth has resumed in most countries and globally.

While global growth is forecast to accelerate in 2010,

i-Output gaps will persist

ii-unemployment may rise further and

iii-Downside risks remain.

For this reason, Leaders in Pittsburgh agreed

i-To sustain their strong policy responses and

ii-Not prematurely withdraw fiscal, monetary and financial sector support measures Until durable, private sector-led growth is firmly achieved.

When the time is right, credible exit strategies will be prepared to begin gradually withdrawing public sector support in a way that is cooperative and coordinated but does not jeopardize the recovery.
In Pittsburgh, G-20 Leaders reached an historic agreement to put the G-20 at the center of their efforts to work together To build a durable economic recovery while avoiding:

i-The fragilities and

ii-Excesses of the past that led to the crisis.

They pledged to adopt the policies needed to lay the foundations for a healthy global economy:

i-By Creating a Framework for Strong, Sustainable, and Balanced Growth;

ii-By building a robust system of financial supervision and regulation; and

iii-By modernizing the international financial institutions to take on the challenges of the 21st century.

As IMF Governors, we have an important responsibility to work collaboratively:

i-To advance the reform agenda

ii-To support a durable recovery and

iii-Head off future crises.

Forging a Framework for Strong, Sustainable, and Balanced Growth
The crisis revealed critical weaknesses in the pattern of global growth, in which:

i-Some countries consumed well beyond their incomes and

ii-Others relied heavily on exports to generate growth

And, in the process, accumulated vast amounts of foreign exchange reserves.

This pattern of demand growth and global capital flows was excessively unbalanced and ultimately unsustainable.

To manage the transition to a more balanced and sustainable pattern of global demand, Leaders have created a new framework for economic cooperation, the Framework for Strong, Sustainable, and Balanced Growth, in which G-20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors will work together, through mutual assessment, to help ensure that our individual policies are collectively consistent and more balanced, within a forward-looking framework.

We are committed to seeing this cooperative process of mutual assessment work so as to help prevent unsustainable trajectories of debt, credit, leverage, demand, and reserve accumulation becoming forces of destabilization in the future. We look to the IMF to play a key role in assisting the assessment of G-20 economic and financial policies and in providing its view on the likely balance and sustainability of the global economy. We expect that the IMF will report regularly to the G-20, in addition to the IMFC.

Strengthening Financial Sector Supervision and Regulation
Perhaps most dramatically, the crisis revealed gaps in our regulatory system that allowed the build-up of excess leverage and risk within and alongside the banking system.

In the United States, we are working to implement reforms designed to protect consumers and investors and create a more stable, more resilient financial system.

In Pittsburgh, G-20 Leaders advanced an ambitious agenda to create a seamless web of financial regulation and supervision – addressing the deficiencies in our financial regulatory framework that contributed to the virulence and global spread of the financial crisis. Strengthening firms’ capital must be at the core of this effort.

The United States is committed to specific deadlines for implementation of more and higher quality capital, stronger liquidity, a simple leverage ratio to constrain excess risk-taking and building buffers that firms can draw down in periods of stress.

Compensation reform is also critical, and the United States has shown leadership in this area by already taking a number of actions to reform compensation practices to support financial stability.

Since the April G-20 meeting, we have put in place tough new restrictions for firms receiving public assistance, including restrictions on bonuses and golden parachutes and a requirement that boards of directors review the relationship between compensation and risk; appointed a Special Master for Executive Compensation, empowered to review compensation structures for the top 100 employees at firms receiving exceptional assistance; and proposed legislation, already passed by the House, that will require all public companies to permit shareholders to cast an annual “say on pay” vote and make their compensation committees independent in fact, not just in name.

The U.S. has also moved to strengthen the transparency and the functioning of the over-the-counter derivatives market, and is working to develop tools to effectively resolve large failed financial institutions.

As we in the United States strengthen our system, we urge other nations to take steps to strengthen their own systems and ensure that the global financial system is safer and more stable.

The United States is undergoing an IMF Financial Sector Assessment Program, reflecting our commitment to accept the obligations and responsibilities of being an IMF member.

The IMF’s work, through annual surveillance, the FSAP, Global Financial Stability Reports, new early warning exercises, and intensified cooperation with the expanded Financial Stability Board (FSB), is making an important contribution to strengthening financial systems around the world.

IMF-FSB collaboration is essential to a stronger, more resilient global financial system. Modernizing the IMF & Enhanced Resources

The IMF’s actions since the crisis began have stabilized markets and boosted confidence, winning broad support and underscoring the Fund’s central role in crisis response.

A critical component of the response was ensuring the IMF has adequate resources to address the needs of members hard hit by the global crisis.

To this end, countries delivered on commitments to renew and expand the IMF’s New Arrangements to Borrow (NAB) by over $500 billion to backstop the IMF. Dynamic emerging economies contributed a critical share to an expanded NAB, and the U.S. moved quickly to pass legislation enabling our $100 billion contribution.

The IMF’s action to supplement members’ reserves and boost global liquidity through an allocation of Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) also demonstrated the international community’s willingness to take bold steps in support of a global recovery.

We welcome IMF approval of a package of extraordinary measures to sharply increase the resources available to low-income countries. Resources from the planned sale of IMF gold and other internal sources will more than double the Fund’s medium-term concessional lending capacity and frontload these resources over the next two years.

In addition, the new Standby Credit Facility will fill a longstanding gap in the concessional facilities architecture, by providing maturing low-income countries with an instrument specifically designed for intermittent Fund engagement.

These welcome and ambitious measures will allow the IMF to help meet the needs of the poorest countries through the crisis and beyond.

Mandate Resources are only part of the equation. The tools available to the IMF, and the institution’s capacity to identify potential vulnerabilities and appropriate policy responses, are equally important to restoring and maintaining confidence.

The Fund recently enhanced its lending toolkit to provide countries with contingent finance to guard against sudden stops. The newly created Flexible Credit Line (FCL) is proving to be an effective crisis prevention instrument for the strongest performing emerging market countries. Both the FCL and the High Access Precautionary Arrangement (HAPA) have helped restore confidence in countries that have used them during the current crisis.

We continue to support the Fund’s efforts to strengthen its capacity to help its members cope with financial volatility, reducing the economic disruption from sudden swings in capital flows and the perceived need for excessive reserve accumulation.

The IMF’s role in the newly announced Framework highlights the importance of candid surveillance assessments, especially when individual country policies have systemic implications.

The crisis underscored the importance of strengthening financial sector surveillance, including linkages between the financial sector and the real economy.

Effective exchange rate surveillance for all members remains at the core of the IMF’s duties. The Fund should complement its unique role on exchange rate surveillance with stepped-up engagement in making the international system less prone to crisis.

Moreover, greater transparency is critical to underpin the credibility and effectiveness of IMF surveillance. Since the crisis has taught us that no nation is immune, we call upon all IMF members to allow the publication of their annual Article IV reviews.

Governance Reform

A more representative, responsive and accountable governance structure is essential to strengthening the IMF’s legitimacy, ensuring that it remains at the center of an evolving international monetary and financial system. Agreement in Pittsburgh to reform the global architecture to meet the needs of the 21st century was a watershed event.

In addition to designating the G-20 as the premier forum for international economic cooperation, G-20 Leaders committed to a shift in IMF quota share to dynamic emerging market and developing countries of at least 5% from over-represented to under-represented countries.

Attention must now shift to implementing this agreement, and we call on the IMF to facilitate this process by providing scenarios of how the quota shift could be implemented in the very near-term.
Reform of the Executive Board remains an essential component to modernizing the IMF’s governance structure to better reflect the 21st century global economy.

The United States has called for reducing the size of the Board while preserving the existing number of emerging market and developing country chairs. Further, the past six months have plainly demonstrated the benefits of securing stronger Ministerial engagement in setting strategic policies and priorities of the International Financial Institutions.

To sustain this level of Ministerial engagement, we must find a way to enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of the IMFC. I look forward to discussion of concrete proposals to achieve greater involvement of the Fund’s Governors in providing strategic direction to the IMF.
Global Cooperation to Combat Illicit Finance

We strongly support the cooperation among the Financial Action Task Force, the IMF, the World Bank, the FSB and the Global Forum to strengthen compliance with international standards.

For example, global cooperation to address cross-border tax evasion has led to more tax information exchange agreements being signed in the last ten months than had been signed in the prior ten years.

We continue to emphasize the importance of global efforts to combat money laundering, terrorist financing, financing of proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, and other forms of illicit finance.
We underscore our concerns over illicit finance emanating from Iran and the severe deficiencies in its regulatory regime.

We emphasize FATF statements calling upon the international community to implement countermeasures to protect the international financial system from money laundering and terror financing risks emanating from Iran, and we urge all nations to respond appropriately. We further urge all nations to implement the financial provisions of UNSCR 1803 by exercising enhanced vigilance over the activities of their financial institutions with Iranian financial institutions – including branches and subsidiaries abroad – and particularly with respect to Bank Saderat and Bank Melli.

عشقى بحر وبحرى غيوم وغيومى عيونك وعيونك هواى وحبك ظنونى

عشقى بحر وبحرى غيوم وغيومى عيونك وعيونك هواى وحبك ظنونى

مساء الخير
If Y ever Remember

The Blind Girl Story

على وتر ووزن يا ناسينا

على وتر ووزن يا ناسينا

بقلم احمد المعتصم محمد احمد

يا نا سينا يا ناسينا
وايش الذكرك بينا
ترى جينا على بالك
وله تبى تورينا
انه معدنا لنا
حظ فى معزتكم
وان الارض قد صارت
هيا من تعزينا
والله لو فى الدنا احد
حبكم مثلى
ما عاد فى الدنيا
من يباكينا
بس ترى الايام
هى من سوف يحكيك
كيف اننى من كان يهواكم
وكم فى الهوى صان لكم عهدا
ما صار وما عاد بايدينا
سلام الى الاحباب اينما حلوا
ويا حرا حرى من دهر
شجب عنا المحبينا
فذكراكم فى الكرى بدر
ينير سير المريدنا
ويابلواى يا دنيا
من العذال وحقبتهم
وانهم هم من صاروا يواسينا
ولقد كانوا بالامس
حفاة يرقبوا ركبى
وانا والاحباب يا زينة
انها الدنيا باقسى
ما تملك رشقتنى
فاودت باشرعتى ومركبتى
ويا لها من طرقة..
طرفة عرجاء..سوداء
عمياء…لوجاء…تواتينا وتحكينا
ولكن لى عزاء فى هذه الدنيا
انها لا تنال الا
من اصدق الناس عاطفة
وتشىء بسر كل المحبينا
لكن لى يا دنيا لك بشرى
فانا ما عدت اخاف
من قدرى فانه اتى
وان سافرت الى الصين
يابن الحجاز وطيبة
الم تدرك بعد
ان لك فى الهوى
وعد وقدرا ابى
الا ان لا يصافينا
قله كفاك ما نلت من الفتى
ما عاد كما الامس اسطينا
فقد هد الدهر وكاسه
وعثت الريح نفاسه
وبات من الهوى
رمسا ومن الصلى همسا
فكفاك ما عاد قدرته
ان يصد ما صده امسا
وما يمديه تقدير المعزينا

When the PMP fruited to Entreprenureship-Thank you Rita MulcaHY

A. Mutasim

Rita Mulcahy photo

When the PMP fruited to Entreprenureship-Thank you Rita MulcaHY, PMP (RMC) – (http://tinyurl.com/m6lla3) who showed and the paved the way for me without even to know me. Becasue of you, your books, your inspiration, Guidance  through the web.

Becasue of you I have just to come out of the dark with a piece of art in project management Education seeking an opportunity to meet with you one day to learn more from your rich, vast and unlimited experience in  project managments.

PMP Presentation

To the PM G-Father I dedicate this first Promotional work for my company

 (The Tesmanians International Corporation-(TIC) )

Rita Mulcahy Thank you for everything till I meet with you

Complete Business Plan-Using the Guru of the web in BP – Tim Berry Piece of Art – The Bussiness Plan Pro

A. Mutasim


Using the Guru of the web in BP – Tim Berry piece of Art – The Bussiness Plan Pro @ http://bit.ly/nk4Z0 please watch me out while I am sailing and enjoying those innovative Thoughts, Tools, Ammunitions and transforms them into an inspiration in creating a successful Bussiness Plan customised to suit your Business Requirements

A complete Business plan at Your End.. would You like to join us to show you the cream

Business Plan Presentation-English-01

Please browse up the above attached Presentation and let me know if you like our service… if so pls do not hesitate to drop an email @ ahmedmutasim@hotmail.com

I will be more than happy to serve you.
Ahmed EL-Mutasim
The Entrepreneur